Personal page of Anna Paola Carrieri.
Currently I am at the 1st year of my Ph.D. in Computer Science at DISCo (Dipartimento Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione), Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca, where I have received my M.Sc. degree in Computer Science.
My research activities are mainly focused on Bioinformatics.
More precisely, I am interested in the study of algorithms and data structures which are applied to biological problems.
Address: Dept. Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione (DISCo)
Università degli Studi di Milano – Bicocca
Building U14 – Room 1047
Viale Sarca 336, 20126 – Milano, Italy
Email: annapaola.carrieri [at] disco [dot] unimib [dot] it
Phone: +39 02 6448 7832
October 2009 – March 2012: Master’s degree (“Laurea Specialistica”) in Informatics (summa cum laude) from the University of Milano – Bicocca. Master’s Thesis: “Reconstruction of the Perfect Persistent Philogeny with binary characters”, Advisor: Prof. P. Bonizzoni, Co-Advisor: Prof. G. Della Vedova.
October 2005 – April 2009: Bachelor’s degree (“Laurea di Primo Livello”) in Informatics (summa cum laude) from the University of Bari. Bachelor’s Thesis: “Mining association rules to characterize CIS-regulatory modules: the SPADA algorithm”, Advisor: Prof. D. Malerba.