We list here the main events organized by some members of AlgoLab:
- Pangenome BioHacking Workshop 2025 - This workshop is for researchers who have a focus on pangenomics algorithms and data structure, and on free and open source software development. The main topics will be: Watch it on Youtube .
- First Workshop On Pangenomics Algorithms for Omics Data - June 21st, 2019 Univ. Milano-Bicocca. U6 Building – Room Martini (floor -1). Theme and scope Computational Pangenomics wants to produce the computational tools for transitioning from a sequence-based genome to graph-based reference genomes, where variants of huge cohorts are represented in a unified way. Transcriptomics was the first field where the need of imposing a […]
- Advanced Techniques for Combinatorial Algorithms (2018) - This is the first PhD-level course on the design and the analysis of efficient algorithms, with a strong emphasis on theoretical aspects. The prerequisites are a very basic knowledge of graph theory and computational complexity, as well as a good understanding of undergraduate-level courses of algorithms, discrete mathematics, and operation research. It is not necessary […]
- Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms in Bioinformatics - January 26th, 2018 Univ. Milano-Bicocca. Building U14 – Room Aula Seminari Theme and scope The ever increasing amount of biological data available requires more efficient tools for managing and analyzing those data. While a widely used line of attack is to throw huge computational resources at the problem and using known methods as black boxes […]
- AlgoDay 2017 - When 26 July 2017 Where Sala Seminari, U14, DISCo, Univ. Milano-Bicocca Why We are witnessing an explosion in the availability of data, ranging from social media interactions, to biological sequences, to sensor data, which share the huge availability and low cost. Since those data are, by far, impractical or impossible to keep in memory, we […]
- Workshop on Graph Assembly Algorithms for omics data - November 18th, 2016 Univ. Milano-Bicocca. Building U24 – Room C02 Theme and scope New and different sequencing technologies have appeared in the last few years with the promise of overcoming Illumina as the reference platform: PacBio, 10x Genomics, and MinION being the most relevant today. Those technological improvements have shown the limitations of managing linear […]
- Advanced Techniques for Combinatorial Algorithms - In February-March 2016, we will give a PhD course on Advanced Techniques for Combinatorial Algorithms. This course focuses on the design and the analysis of efficient algorithms, with a strong emphasis on theoretical aspects. The goal of the course is to give a broad coverage of the main techniques in algorithm design and analysis, so […]
- Combinatorial Structures for Sequence Analysis in Bioinformatics - 27 Novembre 2013 Aula Seminari Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione (Edificio U14) Univ. degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca Presentazione Nell’ambito del Progetto PRIN 2010/2011 “Automi e Linguaggi Formali: aspetti matematici e applicativi” si svolgerà il 27 Novembre 2013 presso il Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e Comunicazione dell’Università di Milano-Bicocca un workshop dedicato a strutture combinatorie […]
- Computatibility in Europe 2013 - CiE 2013 – The Nature of Computation: Logic, Algorithms, Applications has been a great success with almost 90 talks and over 160 partecipants. The 2013 edition of the conference Computability in Europe, chaired by Paola Bonizzoni and organized by AlgoLab members, has been held in Milano in July 1st-5th, 2013.
- Ph.D. course: Massive data analysis in the Web and post-genomic era - Lectures (April-May 2012): 1. Introduction Part I April 16th (h. 10.30) Paola Bonizzoni (Università di Milano-Bicocca) The first lectures aim to provide the theoretical bases required to face the research topics introduced in the course, as well as the main technological motivations of big data. The course is oriented to computer scientists, physicists, statisticians, genetic […]