Algolab at Recomb 2018

RECOMB 2018 is the 22nd edition of a series of well-established scientific conferences bridging the areas of computational, mathematical, statistical and biological sciences.  The 2018 edition was held in  Paris from April, 21st through 24th of 2018, and was preceded by a series of satellite workshops on the 19th-20th of April.

Luca Denti and Murray Patterson presented posters at the main conference titled:

  • ASGAL: Aligning RNA-Seq Data to a Splicing Graph to Detect Novel Alternative Splicing Events which won best poster award (link to this poster, and preprint), and
  • HapCHAT: Adaptive haplotype assembly for efficiently leveraging high coverage in long reads (link to this poster, and preprint).

Simone Ciccolella and Murray Patterson also presented a talk, as well as a poster at the Recomb-CCB satellite meeting of Recomb, both titled:

  • Inferring Cancer Progression from Single Cell Sequencing while allowing loss of mutations

for which a preprint can be found here.