- Detection of long noncoding (lncRNA) involved in RNA-Seq isoforms, Hassan Mahmoud, DISCO, May 28, 2015 (slides).
- The recent discovery showed that the human and other mammalian genomes produce thousands of mRNA-like molecules namely, long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs). Almost on a weekly basis, many biological studies detected that lncRNA is to be up or down-regulated in a particular disease. However, these lncRNAs which lack significant protein-coding capacity have been implicated in a wide range of biological functions through diverse and as yet poorly understood molecular mechanisms. The majority of human genes are alternatively spliced in a highly tissue and cell type–specific manner essential for generating protein diversity. The production of alternative splicing mRNAs is regulated by combinatorial use of multiple cis-acting RNA elements along the precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA). In this talk, I will show the concepts and subtypes of lncRNA, their role in gene regulation and their relation to alternative splicing, and the bioinformatics tools used for detecting lncRNA mainly from sequencing isoforms.